Épiphanie - traduction vers
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Épiphanie - traduction vers

n. Driekoningen (Christelijk feest)
epiphany, religious holiday celebrated on January 6 to commemorate the visit of the wise men to Bethlehem (Christianity)
epiphany, twelfth day, religious holiday celebrated on January 6 to commemorate the visit of the wise men to Bethlehem (Christianity)
Exemples de prononciation pour Épiphanie
1. epiphanies.
The Science of Creativity _ Jonah Lehrer _ Talks at Google
2. I believe in epiphanies--
USC Social Change Media Institute _ Peter Samuelson _ Talks at Google
3. about circles and epiphanies.
4. The amount of epiphanies that these Republicans
Where to Invade Next _ Michael Moore _ Talks at Google
5. But in the end, the true epiphanies
We Need to Talk - How To Have Conversations That Matter _ Celeste Headlee _ Talks at Google